Special Events, tierneycreates

2017: A Blogging Year in Review

I’ve enjoyed reading other “year-end” summaries and reviews by other bloggers. So as January 2018 is nearly over, I better post my year review!

Seven (7) Favorite Projects of 2017

In no particular order, here are severn (7) of my favorite projects of 2017. Click on the link in the project name to see the related post about the piece.

Additional Conversations

Additional Conversations (2017) – in progress, by Tierney Davis Hogan

Cozy Cobblestones

Cozy Cobblestones (2017) by Tierney Davis Hogan. Quilted by Cindy Anderson of A Quilters’s Corner (inastitchquilting.com)

Happy Ending

Happy Endings (201) by Tierney Davis Hogan. Quilted by Cindy Anderson of A Quilters’s Corner (inastitchquilting.com)

Little Wallets

Little Wallet Madness

Basket of Love


Recycled Windows

Recycled Windows (2017) by Tierney Davis Hogan

The Recycled Road

The Recycled Road (2017) by Tierney Davis Hogan

Curiously, when looking through my blog posts of 2017, I see I started a lot of projects (like Farm Girl Vintage blocks), but did not complete that many projects in 2017! I better get my act together in 2018…

Seven (7) Favorite Posts/Series of Posts of 2017

I selected these seven (7) posts (or series of posts) because I really enjoyed writing them:

Quilting Studio Archaeology Series

Quilting Studio Archaeology

Quilt Studio Closet Purge

Quilt Studio Archeology and Purging, Part II

Quilt Studio Archaeology and Purge, Part III

Quilting Sisters Series

Quilting Sisters, Part I

Quilting Sisters, Part II

Quilters Take Manhattan Series

The “Dance Partner” – Michael Cummings at QTM 2017

Spiritual Quilting – Sherri Lynn Wood at QTM 2017

Behind the Scenes at the Antonio Ratti Textile Center – QTM 2017

Wrap Up of QTM 2017 Weekend

The Expenditure

Creative Inspiration: Just Cut Out the Bad Parts and Keep Going

The Backstitch and the End of Tangled Floss

A Case for Buying Things You Have No Plans for at the Time

Schnauzer Snips Follow Up

As many of you know, in December 2017 our beloved Sassy the Highly Opinionated Miniature Schnauzer and my fellow blogger passed.

Sassy was highly opinionated and awesome

For a brief moment I did think about having Mike, our other miniature schnauzer, take over her blog Schnauzer Snips – Musings from a Highly Opinionated Miniature Schnauzer, as “Sassy” had been writing in her blog since 2013 when I started my tierneycreates blog.

However Mike is much more mellow and not as highly opinionated (and prefers to spend most his time napping in the back of Terry the Quilting Husband’s knees) so it would not make sense for him to want to take over the blog.

Eventually I would like to turn the blog into a memory photo and story book for Terry and I once I figure out what platform to do this on. For now the blog will stay live on the web in the “blogosphere” for whomever stumbles upon it.


Meet the Pups in the Feature Photo

I thought I will end this post on a silly note and introduce you to the pups in the feature photo for this post:


They are known as The Puppy Powers and they live in my sewing studio along with other furry creatures to keep me smiling while I sew. I found them years ago (I do not remember where) and they all have magnetic paws and can be posed it adorable poses and stuck on anything metal.

Their names are Pup, Puppy, Puppa, and Pups:


And here they are having fun on their photo shoot:


It’s challenging to keep a Radio Flyer full of puppies still during a photo shoot!


26 thoughts on “2017: A Blogging Year in Review”

  1. Great projects and review, Tierney. I remember these! 🙂 There is so much energy and vitality in your quilting designs – they’re all lovely. Cozy cobblestones was one of my favourites of your quilts last year – what beautiful colours and blocks. I’m also happy to see Little Wallets on the list, too. I adore the one you sent! The Puppy Powers look like they’re having fun. That is a cute bunch of beagles! 🙂 Wishing you another great year of quilting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why thanks so much! I love that word vitality and that is wonderful feedback 🙂
      I look at Cozy Cobblestone everyday as it sit in my living room! Yes the Puppy Powers are having fun and they also sit in my work area (I telecommute) to help me not stress out when work gets crazy (who can be stressed when those pups are looking so cute!) 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You had a very productive 2017. Your projects are amazing. I can’t wait to see what 2018 brings. As for the pups…you make me laugh!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so glad you posted this review! First of all, it was fun to see some of the things you worked on last year. Second, I enjoyed re-reading a couple of posts. And THIRD, I saw for the first time the post about tangled embroidery floss! Why is that exciting for me, you might wonder?

    (Are you wondering?)

    My current project includes embroidery. I have tangled skeins of mess, and I had no idea there was such a thing as floss cards. Guess you could make your own, too. But how handy it would be to have them pre-made. I haven’t done embroidery for 100 years, so I’m finding it fascinating how quickly a few stitches can add to the look of it. Some of my stitches are free-hand, but others I’ve sketched ahead. None is hooped. I don’t have a hoop… Really, it’s so pleasant and such a surprise to embroider. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you make me feel better! I thought I was a total idiot for not knowing about floss cards. Actually I had seen them before and thought they were wasteful – ha! I was thinking – why undo a skein of floss just to put it on some cardboard. Congratulations on embroidering! You will be much happier embracing floss cards, I found some at the thrift shop and then used old thin cardboard to make my own by tracing the store bought ones. Thanks for your comments! 🙂


    1. Thank you and so sorry about your schnauzer! She was a rescue (we got her when she was 8.5) and we did enjoy a wonderful 5.5 years with her plus I had fun blogging about her musings 🙂


  4. Tierney, I was so sorry to read your post about Sassy. I didn’t post when I first heard because I knew the hurt was too fresh but you were in my thoughts. It is so heartbreaking to loose our fur babies and the joy they give us is unforgettable.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, what a busy year you had! I’ve enjoyed looking back through all your projects and picking my favourite… Now, it was close, but I think Additional Conversations has it! I so love that bright orange you’re using – that’s those corduroy pants again, isn’t it? As trousers they must have been truly monstrous, but they look great as pieces of a quilt! I also picked out my lovely little wallet in the basket – thanks again for that! 😀 Hope 2018 is good to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I love Additional Conversations too and someday I will quilt it or get it quilted. Yes those corduroy pants would not die! Actually all the fabric is used now and I kind of miss that crazy orange. The recycled curtain added a lot of color to the piece too. Hope you are enjoying your wallet it was great to send it across the seas to you! Hope 2018 is great to you too 🙂


      1. Ah, hopefully some more crazy colourful fabrics will cross your path soon! And my little wallet is brilliant… Apart from anything else, it’s a really handy size! Especially compared with my last wallet, which was massive, heavy and on the verge of falling apart into the bargain! 😆

        Liked by 1 person

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