Creative Inspiration

Creative Inspiration: Bark

Are you inspired by nature? If you are an artist, is your art inspired by nature?

As part of my ongoing series of posts on sources of Creative Inspiration,  I am sharing my latest nature-based inspiration: TREE BARK.

Wait. When you saw the post title, did you suspect I meant “dog bark” or the barking of dogs? I do love dogs, however their barking provides little source of creative inspiration (smile).

Studying Tree Bark

For the latest project I am working on (a secret project for a future exhibit not yet announced by the curator) I needed to study the texture of tree bark. A trip to a local park provided plenty of study subjects!

I was particularly taken by this tree:


And I took a couple B&W photos so I could study the lines of the bark texture for my piece in progress:


Although I did not take more photos, I studied the lines of several more trees in the park and on my daily walks I’ve paid closer attention to trees in my neighborhood.

Speaking of trees, next post I will share images from the Tree Quilt Show I attended last evening.

For the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. – Martin Luther

33 thoughts on “Creative Inspiration: Bark”

  1. The more I read your blog Tierney the more I find that we have so much in common! I have been fascinated by tree bark for such a long time, and have a folder of digital photos! I think I am getting close to creating with watercolour and stitching. I am really looking forward to seeing how you translate these fantastic photos into your quilts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks and that is the cool thing about being bloggers and finding common ground in our artistic inspiration! It is for that secret piece I am working on and I think the show will not be announced until next year so it might be awhile before I can share the piece. That is awesome you have a collection of tree bark photos!


  2. Those are great bark pictures. I’m from the west, and I love alligator juniper trees for that same reason – such fascinating things happen with the bark!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! Alligator juniper trees – we have Juniper trees in Central Oregon but I did not know of “Alligator Junipers”! I googled them after reading your comment – thanks 🙂


  3. Wow, what an interesting tree… And great pictures! I can’t wait to see them again in quilted form 😀 Nature doesn’t get much of a look-in in my craft projects, but when I need to recharge, you’ll usually find me under a tree somewhere! Happy stitching!

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  4. Beautiful – the black and white photos really convey the beautiful texture and surface of tree bark. This reflection brings me back to being a kid and capturing the texture of trees + leaves with paper and crayons. 🙂 Glad to read that you’re finding lots of inspiration there!

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