A Crafter's Life

The Positive People (Surprise Gift)

The other day I was surprised in the mail by a wonderful gift from a blogging buddy, Claudia McGill!


The three clay figures measure approximately 3.5″ each and each had a positive message inside (be happy, be well, be safe):


I have apt named this trio The Positive People.

I regularly follow Claudia’s blogs Claudia McGill and Her Art World and Claudia McGill Writes Poetry, Did You Know That?. She’s one of those artists, that after reading her musings or seeing her prolific art of many mediums (clay, painting, inks, etc.), you begin to feel like you’ve been rather lazy! 

Seeing her work and her color palettes always inspires my creativity.

I’ve also started to follow her third blog (yes, like I said above, she can make you feel like you’ve been quite lazy – ha!) Sometimes You Get So Confused, which talks about her art drop offs in public places and her musings as she navigates life.

I’ve given the three clay figures, The Positive People, she generously gifted me, a special place in my tierneycreates studio!

Feeling pretty lucky to continue to meet so many awesome people in the “blogosphere”!


I shared in the post Paved Trail Inspirations, that people (likely kids/families) were writing positive messages in sidewalk chalk in the paved trails near my house which I walk everyday. Well, I like to vary my walks to include walking in neighborhoods, and during these walks I am now finding inspirational painted stones, likely done by kids, tucked here and there in neighborhood sidewalks.

2020-04-27_10-54-47_711These are unusual and challenging times and I love that people (real life “Positive People”) are trying to reach out to each other with encouragement!

22 thoughts on “The Positive People (Surprise Gift)”

  1. Totally awesome surprises. I think that I found Claudia through your blog. You are right, she is so prolific that she makes me feel kind of lazy as well. But then, you with your time-consuming quilts! You make me feel lazy too! I’m not holding it against either of you- my two favorite bloggers. 😀

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