Books, Music, Podcasts, Creative Inspiration

Creative Strength Training

Before we dive into the topic of this post, I just wanted to follow up from yesterday’s post No Scrap Left Behind (half square triangle craziness).

The design wall is now empty:

2020-04-15_16-19-27_925Don’t panic, I’ve did not give up on the project I blogged about yesterday. Instead I removed all the half square triangles (HSTs) made from scrap triangles so they could be trimmed:

2020-04-15_16-19-21_786And I got a whole lotta trimming to do! There are 5 different sizes of HSTs: 5.5″, 4.5″, 3.5″, 2.5″, and 2″that make up this quilt pattern. For example, I need 200 2″ squares.

I thought about making it sort of freeform/improvisational, but I really want to make the pattern as written, so I am going to do the tedious work of trimming (I mean what else am I doing with my time during my social distancing/isolation/pandemic times?) all the HSTs to their respective sizes.

Yesterday I actually started trimming and making piles…

2020-04-15_16-19-32_428So unless you want to see a slow record of my continuing growing piles of HSTs in various sizes, I am not going to update you on this project until I get all the HSTs (hundreds of them!) cut to size and start laying the quilt out.

So onto other things, like something yummy and inspirational to listen to while you are crafting/creating…

Creative Strength Training

Last year I bought this awesome book by Jane Dunnewold – Creative Strength Training: Prompts, Exercises and Personal Stories for Encouraging Artistic Genius.

Image credit –

But I have yet to open the book and read it.

Then I discovered that the author has posted on YouTube the complete audiobook read by the author!

You can locate this free audiobook on her YouTube Channel –Jane Dunnewold.

Go to Playlists tab and look for “Creative Strength Training Audiobook”. There will be 22 videos each with different sections of the book.

Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 5.01.46 PM

The audiobook is absolutely amazing and I’ve been listening to it on long walks. I can’t wait to actual work through the exercises (which I’ve done in my head while walking) in the actual book.

Yes it is slightly cumbersome to listen using YouTube as chapters are broken up into individual YouTube videos (which are audio only) but what a wonderful gift the author has shared.

I love the personal stories by the author as well as from other artists. It just makes me want to create (and makes me want to someday rewrite my Artist Statement).

If you need some artistic inspiration I highly recommend this free audiobook. If you love the audiobook, consider buying the paperback book to work through the exercises and support the author.

Feature Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash


30 thoughts on “Creative Strength Training”

  1. I love the HST quilt in progress! Maybe I should give it a try and use up my scraps. Thanks for the audio book recommendations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and it will sort of be like that house block quilt you made where it seems sort of endless but eventually it will be done and awesome 🙂
      I think you would enjoy listening to the book while you craft!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. first off, I understand the need and struggle to sometimes just do the pattern the way it says to do it…even though my mind/skills/style want to bend it to my own way. kudos on taking on that discipline-challenge!
    second off, thanks so much for the book rec and the accompanying vids…really excited to add them to my COVID ‘learning’ times during the week.
    take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes it feels like if you are bad in life and go to the “Underworld” when you die, then must have to trim triangles all day – ha! But it is not that bad with proper distractions like audiobooks or music 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved the way you introduced the book and then confessed to not having started it! It does sound very good , especially in these strange times. Look forward to seeing the next stage of the triangles.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ha! I read your post while on the treadmill this morning and initially thought it was about fitting weight lifting into my daily routine rather than setting aside 30 minutes after the treadmill. No such luck! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  5. For me, trimming HSTs is so tedious but the few times I’ve not done it I have regretted it. Listening to an audio book is the perfect distraction – thank you for the recommendation!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have been in the market for a new audio book to listen to. This sounds right up my alley. I love audio podcasts and books so much more than I thought I would. Suddenly, vacuuming and dishes are fun! Thank you for the recommendation.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am tempted, but will resist listening to the audiobook right now. Thanks for the link, which I have bookmarked. I am busy working through book by Richard Box called Color and Design for Embroidery.
    Strength with all that HST trimming. It will be worth it

    Liked by 1 person

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