
Look Look I am in a Book!

Check out Sassy’s latest post in her blog Schnauzer Snips!

I received some wonderful news the other day – two of my quilts (sections from “Flying Triangles” and “Color Change”) are going to be in a new art/quilting book: 1000 Quilting Inspirations by Sandra  Sider. It will be published by Quarry Books and is due for publication mid Dec 2014 or early January 2015. The book is already listed on the Quarry Books website and you can view it from this link 1000 Quilt Inspirations.

As a member of the Central Oregon branch of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) I was fortunate enough to be notified that this publication was looking for submissions.  I went “submission crazy” and submitted 12 pieces. I am so excited that several of my art quilts Flying Triangles and Color Change are going to be in a national publication.   The pieces were personally selected by the book author/editor who holds quite the impressive resume.

I received an e-mail from the publisher notifying me and requesting better photos of the quilts! When I completed my original submissions, they did not want full size quilt photos, they just wanted either small quilts up to 14″x14″ or small sections of quilts for the book. So instead of being able to use the lovely professional photos I have of these quilts, the World’s-Worse-Photographer (me) took photos of sections.  Of course they needed me to redo my photos. This time I retook them without my eyes closed! Ha!

I cannot wait until I can have a copy of the book and see my name, quilt and Betty Anne’s name as long arm quilter listed! (Oh and yes I need to start working on some new silk quilts, I have been “milking” the four I made for way too long now!)