Knit and Crochet Away!, Library Adventures

Explored a new library, tried a new group

Needle-arts crafters (knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch and other needlework) seem to be good people based on those I’ve met through blogging, so I thought I would try for the first time to join a Knit/Crochet Group instead of a quilting group.

One of the area libraries, Arapahoe Library, had a Knit/Crochet Group that met once a week.

I already belong to three Denver area library systems (have library cards), so why not add one more to my list (they are fairly laid back on who can get a library card and there are a lot of libraries systems in the Denver Metro Area), so I went to visit one of the Arapahoe Library branches for the first time – the Smoky Hill Branch.

I was so surprised on my first visit as this branch had a cafe, an awesome used bookstore, and a free seed library where you could take 3 packets of seeds a day!

Of course I had to browse through a stack of used books (that I didn’t buy) at their bookstore while enjoying a hot chocolate and a danish at the cafe:

Other cool things I discovered while doing a self-tour of this library was kits for book groups which included 10 copies of books, and an awesome Craft book section (where else would I have headed first, ha!):

So for the past three weeks I attended the weekly meetings of the Knit/Crochet Group and I met some nice people. Here I am at the group meeting working on another knitted hat; and checking out a wooden yarn holder bowl another attendee’s woodworker husband made her:

I decided not to continue with the group as the venue was too large (space for 17 people) and I wasn’t getting any work done on my project and I was getting a little overwhelmed by the crowd, all their energy and stories. I appeared to have fully transitions to an Introvert post-pandemic!

I might try another group someday in a smaller venue.

30 thoughts on “Explored a new library, tried a new group”

  1. Welcome to being an introvert! That library looks amazing and has a ton of great things. Maybe I’ll have to make a trip there just to see what sort of used books they have.

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  2. wow! what a wonderful library. I was always a bit of an introvert but definitely have become much more so since pandemic lock downs. You would think we would be relieved to feel free again and be out and about but doesn’t seem to work that way.

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  3. Well Tierney, I gave up on Quilting Guilds – they were too cliquish and seemed to have problems if one was a perfectionist in quilting. 

    Then I too tried a local knitting group last year – Well, 3 sessions and I had enough in the little coffee shop and all their problems. They have moved now to a small restaurant, BUT being Celiac I cannot eat the food……

    So now back to quilting in my own Studio after almost 5 months of recovery from Thumb Arthritis Surgery on my predominant right hand. That was not fun. 

    I am now getting back to my 1.5 miles each morning, lifting, etc.  I would love to find about 1 to 2 women who love to quilt and they could come to my home, but tried that one too.

    Sometimes it is just great being at home with hubby and enjoying peace and quiet! So glad that you found your second love and that your Dog loves him too. 

    I have been off the Blog grid for awhile, trying to get back into my quilting, knitting, embroidery, cross stitch, etc life.

    Hugs, Nanette (


  4. I used to belong to a patchwork group which was my way of getting started along the patchwork road. We then moved house ( 10 years ago) and I never bothered looking for any new groups. I do enjoy the interaction with crafters but I feel I get enough interaction via blogs these days. However, I do enjoy a visit to our local library. We live in a small village (population 1600) so library is a nice friendly hub of gossip lol.

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  5. What a lovely little library to visit with great facilities.
    Since the pandemic my introvert side has really taken over too. I have only attended one of my knitting groups meet ups in person in the last 4 years as the crowd size overwhelms me a little. Just prior to the pandemic each month I was struggling to stay for the entire meeting before in the nicest possible way “I’ve had enough with people I need to leave now” I keep telling myself I should force myself back to a meeting (Once I get there I will be able to handle things for a short while) It is just going back hasn’t been on high on my priority list when planning “what will I do this Saturday?”


  6. I have yet to find a quilting group that wasn’t too cliquey for me. Or indeed one where the members were making the same sort of things as me. No more. I fulfil my social ‘obligations’ with a weekly tai chi class and coffee afterwards sometimes with 5 or 6 others. The rest of the time I’m quite happy to work alone. I do get tempted to go along to a local ‘any kind of handiwork’ session once a week, but then I remember the “where were you last week?” and the sideways looks, and I refrain.

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      1. I like the tai chi class because it’s soothing, gentle, no-one’s trying to prove anything, and despite widely differing ages and fitness levels, we all enjoy it and the coffee meetings afterwards.

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  7. That looks like a fun library to explore! I’ve never heard of Book Club in a Bag, but what a great idea. I’m fortunate to have two sewing friends that I meet up with regularly for a sew day. Otherwise, I’m hanging in my quilt room with Wilbs.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I understand. It takes just the right people you fit with and even then I think there’s a limit on how long it works. At least that’s how I find it. It’s nice to know that they are there if you get the urge every so often for an outing, though, and you met a new library!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I signed up for a studio painting class last fall, went one time, the room was small and 18 people crowded in there and the talking talking talking! I did not go back. I’ve done other groups quite happily but the key for me seems to be – lots of space, and people not talking much. These are hard to find.

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  9. I too fear that I have become a post-pandemic introvert.

    The library with the lovely name is fantastic, with so much on offer, as well as books. Are your other 3 libraries the same? Lucky you!

    (that said, I will never manage to read all the books in our house so, I took am lucky even though our town library is not up to much)

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  10. I’m not really “being with many” either

    Although, I’m trying to do that with a new city to me, where I’ve very few friends. That’s not to say I’m devoid of company as there are at least 10 others living in this complex and we meet at meal times.

    However that can be overwhelming when the ones who rarely go out, start to organise me… just today D shouted at me, saying that I was wrong M has gone out, (she has early stages of dementia) and the funny thing was that M was sitting right by me! D will have forgotten that “carry on” by the next meal!

    We have our own space which I thoroughly enjoy….


  11. Sounds like you found another awesome library! Love a library with a used book store and cafe 🙂 Sorry the craft group didn’t work out, but you will find your group!


  12. I’ve tried bigger groups and find the noise and the energy overwhelming and there is usually so much going on its impossible to have a conversation or actually connect with people

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