Knit and Crochet Away!

My First Knitted Hat

I was looking through my old Google photos this morning looking for some photos for a project I’ve been invited to participate on with a school district (I will share more in a later post).

While browsing my old photos on Google (I no longer use Google, I use Amazon Photos for photo storage) I came across photos from December 2011 of the first hat I knitted!

It was a very big deal for me to learn how to knit a hat. My friend Pam in Central Oregon taught me how to knit a hat. I felt like I was a “knitting bad *ss” because I could now make my own hat!

Here are the images I found from 9+ years ago; and you will see I had braces at the time and I had just started growing my locs.

I was so proud of that hat and myself for actually knitting a hat. Eventually I learned to make hats a bit longer for the shape of my head.

Unfortunately the hat got washed and dried in the dryer (long story but it involved not taking the hat out of my pocket when I put a sweatshirt in the wash…) and it FELTED (frown). So that was the end of this hat which had become a tightly felted child hat in the dryer!

But I’ve made 11+ more hats (actually I’ve lost count) since my first hat, for myself and for family and friends. Yes the same pattern – a rolled brim hat.

In case you are interested in this very basic pattern, I did find a similar pattern online on Ravelry: Basic Roll Brim Beanie.

But warning: DO NOT LAUNDER AND PUT IN THE DRYER your completed creation!

22 thoughts on “My First Knitted Hat”

  1. How nice to remember a crafting ‘first’ and it was a success, well done! Oh yes, have felted woollen things myself – think it’s part of the actual learning curve!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a wonderful knitting memory. I love the bright hat and glasses and smile and locs! 🙂 And I applause the DPN moment, pictured above (you are so close to socks!). Glad to see THE hat that started the hat making joy! You are a knitting bad *ss, truly!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What cute photos! The hat turned out great for a first. I would make tons of rolled brim hats for the boys when they were young; the hat grew with them. They are classic at any age on anyone.

    Liked by 1 person

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