A Crafter's Life, From the Woodshop

A Good Man

I’ve been away from blogging for a little while because of travel. I celebrated my birthday at the end of May and John and I recently returned from a 4-day road trip around Colorado that I will post about in the future. Before that we were in Estes Park and Fort Collins for a couple days (will post about that trip too). I look forward to getting caught up on my blogging buddies’ posts in the near future.

My husband John is a good man and he continues to reinforce this fact all the time.

Our homeowner’s association (HOA) can be rather strict at times (and rather lax at other times when you want them to reinforce the rules), and our neighbor was in danger of getting fined for not finishing a fence he started on this property (our neighbor only got around to putting in two fence posts to start the fence).

Our neighbor is a busy father of two young children and commutes over an hour to work each way, Monday to Friday. He’s exhausted by the weekend and most of his energy goes to time with his kids.

So John offered to help him complete the fence and ended up purchasing for the neighbor (who paid him back of course) all the fencing materials, AND building the fence and gate on his own for the neighbor!

Here is the neighbor’s dog waiting for John to finish the fence so she can now have a fenced yard:

I got some cool gifts for my birthday including a lovely home decor book and collection of stickers (I love stickers) from my friend J. My brother and family sent me the cutest schnauzer themed T-shirt inspired by a Van Gogh painting:

The Starry Schnauzer?

John got me a new iPad (I think my previous iPad belonged in the Apple Museum as it was many many iPad generations old); and my awesome stepsons were very generous for my birthday. One got me a gift card to my favorite used bookstore, and another got me some very yummy books!

I can’t wait to dive into this pile. But first I have to finish the two books I am currently reading The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi; and Fairy Tale by Stephen King.

I have some surprises on the way from my sister for my birthday still, and I just received the most beautiful fiber art card from my longtime friend in Austria (my “Danish Brother”, I spent part of my summer in 1998 in Denmark with him and his parents) today in the mail:

Now here’s a quote to close out this post from the amazing (so far) book Fairy Tale I am currently reading, that make me think of John:

35 thoughts on “A Good Man”

  1. Happy belated birthday! And couldn’t we all use a neighbor like your husband? Well done.

    Enjoy your new books~I have recently gotten back into reading and am devouring books…I had forgotten how much I love to read!

    Enjoy your summer and I look forward to seeing more quilty projects soon!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tierney, John is a gem, and you are too. I’m happy you found each other, and I’m delighted to see him use his talents to help a busy father. Happy belated birthday. I love the unique and thoughtful treasures you’ve received from family and friends. That T-shirt is charming. I’m so impressed with the fiber art card. It’s gorgeous! I’m glad you’re getting in lots of travel.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. John is definitely a good man ❤ That Starry Schnauzer shirt is so awesome!!! and what a beautiful fiber art card. I just started Yellowface and Tom Lake is on my TBR, can’t wait to hear what you think of them. Sounds like you had an amazing birthday and with more gifts on the way – Enjoy!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. awesome to find a 2nd relationship guy that has different skills but is “kind as”

    happy birthday

    apologies, reading but not doing much in blogging myself – just not enough energy somedays – but making some progress to be better!

    Liked by 2 people

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