Agriculture Report, Knit and Crochet Away!, Sunflowers!

Update on Sunflower Granny Squares and an Agriculture Report

Here is an update to the post Another Hat, Sunflower GS, “Agriculture Report”, and some Pickles.

I’ve made some progress on the sunflower inspired granny square blocks (which someday will be a blanket) that I’ve been working on, primarily while riding in the car as a passenger.

Here is what my first one looked like that I shared in the post I linked:

I decided to add some green to represent newly opening sunflowers and with the rust, yellow and green yarn in play here is how the blocks are progressing:

A couple close up of the various blocks in progress:

I am making the centers to the first 20 – 21 blocks and then I will be adding the oatmeal colored border yarn to complete the granny square blocks. I’ll share an update when I get the first 20 – 21 done.

I also thought I would share an “Agriculture Report” (inspired by  @quiteayarnblog‘s ongoing series of posts titled “Agriculture Report”) and the tomatoes on my upper deck keep getting taller and taller and will end up taller plants than previous years by the time they fruit:

We were also able to harvest ONE strawberry so far (we shared it and savored each bite) from the first strawberry plant I am growing in Colorado:

Also the FREE seeds I planted courtesy of the local library (see post Explored a new library, tried a new group) are doing really well in the new raised bed John built from leftovers from our rebuild of the back deck (see posts John gets “ScrapHappy” too – new raised bed and Guest Blogger Post: Managing Humans Demolishing and Rebuilding a Deck):

We put netting on the raised bed to try to prevent the naughty squirrels and other critters feasting on our growing vegetables.

Okay now I need to start catching up on my blogging buddies’ posts, I’ve fallen behind again as it’s been a busy summer so far 🙂

18 thoughts on “Update on Sunflower Granny Squares and an Agriculture Report”

  1. Those sunflowers are so cute – makes me want to go buy yarn and make one (I don’t need another project). I made a granny square afghan back in high school, and got rid of it a few years ago. Now I have regrets. Anyway, life goes on. You definitely have a knack for raising plants! Hope you get at least one more strawberry!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your sunflower grannies are beautiful! So bright and cheerful 🙂 You do beautiful work! Your agriculture is looking great as well – Wow, those tomatoes are tall and healthy! Yay for home grown strawberries. Hope you get many more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those sunflower-granny squares are so cool looking!! I’m sure they’ll make a beautiful blanket. Wow your tomato plants are really getting big, hopefully they’ll produce lots of yummy tomatoes. And your first strawberry! I love that! Good luck with the rest of your garden 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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