A Crafter Needs to Eat, Knit and Crochet Away!, Sunflowers!

Another Hat, Sunflower GS, “Agriculture Report”, and some Pickles


So I finished knitting another hat (same pattern as I always make), even though I can’t wear it until it gets cold again.

Yummy purple and blue variegated yarn from who knows where…

I need to be distracted when I am a passenger in the front seat a car (or I get anxious) so I always have some handwork with me:

Riding in the car is better with a project!

If you’ve followed my blog for a while and seen the endless hats I’ve made in this same “Rolled Hat” pattern, then you know I had to take my photo with the double pointed needles in the hat as it nears completion (it’s tradition!) – ha!

Where is Tierney?


I’ve been working through random balls of yarn I find in my stash, some of them left over from making other people gift hats.

With the hat complete and the weather getting warmer (into the 70s F and next week into the 80s F) I wasn’t in the mood to start knitting another hat. I have some crochet granny squares to work on using recycled yarn (see post Plastic Yarn?) but wasn’t in the mood for that standard pattern after already making 3 granny square blankets with it.

So I decided to challenge myself and learn a new granny square pattern – Sunburst Square. Here is the YouTub video I used to teach myself:

The YouTuber does a great job teaching you how to make this granny square

Here is my first Sunburst Square in progress:

In the center photo I am in the car as a passenger working on it!

I love Sunflowers and I just had to make my flowers look like Sunflowers! I will share more progress as I work on them while in the car. We have a couple road trips to explore Colorado coming up this summer so I hope to make lots of blocks then!


What is an “Agriculture Report”? Well I was inspired by  @quiteayarnblog‘s ongoing series of posts titled “Agriculture Report” (and this title always cracks me up) that are actually updates of what is going on in her garden. I just had to adopt this same title for updates on what is going on in my garden/my “garden report“…

With the new upstairs patio deck nearly complete (see post Guest Blogger Post: Managing Humans Demolishing and Rebuilding a Deck) it was time to restart my upstairs patio container garden.

It’s pretty much the same as last year – several varieties of tomatoes, hot peppers, herbs and some marigolds to help with pest management.

Oh look I caught the Sunflower block trying to sneak into the container garden…

Those squares are so sneaky…


I’ll just close this post with a pretty giant jar of spicy pickles that John recently made which is sitting on our kitchen counter.