Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

2016 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show Part II

Continuing my series of blog posts of photos and experiences from attending the annual Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show on Saturday July 9, 2016.


Yesterday I had planned to continue my series of posts on the 2016 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show (SOQS) that I began on Saturday’s post 2016 Sisters Outdoor Show Part I. Then something happened – Sunday sleepiness!

I was so sleepy on Sunday (maybe due to all that walking around the quilt show on Saturday) and I was involved in several spontaneous naps (i.e. falling asleep in a book you are sitting in a chair reading).

It is Monday and I am fully awake so in this post I will begin to share (I think it will take 2 posts) what happened with the quilts Terry the “Quilting Husband” and I put in the SOQS.

We had 11 quilts total in the show – 5 by Terry and 6 by myself. Betty Anne Guadalupe quilted all our quilts. Please see the post “P” is for Persistence and Breaking the Law! (Update on Recycled Door) for info on those quilts.

Terry the Quilting Husband did sell two quilts at the SOQS (more on that later)! I did not sell any but it was great to have them in the show.

Photos of our quilts in the show will be shared over two posts, starting with the Central Oregon SAQA Door Exhibit.

Central Oregon SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) Doors Exhibit – We were challenged with making an 18″ x 40″ art quilt/wallhanging that represented our interpretation of a door. You can find the story behind my piece Recycled Door in the post Update: Recycled Door.

The exhibit was displayed during the SOQS in the courtyard of The Open Door Restaurant in Sisters (a lovely place to eat with delicious food and excellent service).

My photo montage below does not do justice to the beauty and talent that went into these pieces by my fellow Central Oregon SAQA members:


It was very crowded around this exhibit and I had to take photos whenever there was a break in the crowd so some pieces may only be partially photographed.

Next post will continue “Our Quilts” with photos of Terry the Quilting Husband’s quilts and my other quilts from SOQS.


I am experimenting with Smilebox, a way to add slide shows to blog posts. I created slideshow of the above photos but could not figure out how to imbed directly into this post. If you would like to see the slideshow (well my attempts at my first Smilebox slideshow) the link is below:

Central Oregon SAQA Doors Slideshow