Thrift Shop Adventures

Fabulous Thrifting Fabric Find!

I shared in my post Shameless “Thrifting” that I learned to enjoy searching thrift shops for cool donated fabric. Recently I had a fabulous thrifting fabric find, and let me share the story of how I ended up coming upon a wonderful fabric deal at a local thrift store.

Off the Wall, and Out of My Life

Mondays are my day off and this past Monday I decided to take in some donations to our local Humane Society Thrift Shop. I wanted to donate a couple old art pieces that were no longer bringing me joy.

One of these pieces for donation was a large poster of a photograph by David Lorenz Winston called “Solitude”. This framed poster featured a solitary tree in a wintery landscape. I loved this poster for its austere beauty and how the stark palette gave the eyes a rest in my otherwise colorful walls hung with quilts.

I had this poster hanging in my entryway for years and then I took it down for awhile and put up an art quilt in its place (and stored the poster in the closet).

Then, after being hurt by the betrayal of several friends that I had treated with an open and kind heart (a couple new local friends and one old friend), I took the art quilt down and put the “Solitude” poster up again.

This time the poster was on my wall not for its austere beauty but to represent how I felt – that I needed to just draw into myself (and close my heart) as I obviously could not trust those I thought I could trust. I saw solitude as a way to protect myself.


A week ago, I decided it was time to take this poster back down and put the art quilt back up. I have had enough of feeling like I have to draw into myself and protect myself from people.

Also, as I mentioned in the post Buttons and Revisiting Traditional Piecing: The Blocks Part I, I recently listened to the audiobook The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz.

The Second Agreement is:

Don’t take anything personally

The author discusses in depth in the audiobook what this means in regards to relationships and how when someone has an issue with you, it is really about them and their issues within themselves. A quote from this book sums it up nicely:

Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. – Don Miguel Ruiz

Although I had read this before in other “self-help” books and sort of knew this intuitively, for some reason I was ready, while listening to this audiobook to hear this message.

So the poster came down from the wall, and I have moved on.

(and I decided never to have this poster on my wall again, so it was time to donate it)

After the Donation – A Treat!

I dropped off my donation at the Donation area on the side of the Humane Society Thrift Shop and thought “I wonder if I should just take a quick peek inside…”

Wandering over to the “Crafts” section, I noticed a package of fabric bundled in an old curtain/linen package. A dull looking Christmas-like fabric surrounded a bundle of other fabric which was obscured by a sea of blah paisley Christmas colors fabric (which also appeared to be low quality fabric).

I noticed the thick package of fabric said $2.50. I tried to peek to see what was wrapped in the paisley fabric but they had the package well sealed. I put it back in the bin I found it in and walked away.

Then a little voice told me – “go back and get it, it is only $2.50 and if all the fabric is terrible you can re-donate it”. I figured a donation of $2.50 to the Humane Society was worth feeding my curiosity of what was inside. So I bought it, and the moment I got out of the thrift shop I hurried to my car to open the package.

I was pleasantly surprised! Inside was approximately a total of 8 yards of different cool fabrics in various sizes. The fabric included many high quality fabrics from lines such as Moda, Hoffman, and Alexander Henry.

What a fabulous thrifting fabric find! It sort of seemed to be my reward for letting go on the art that no longer brought me joy!

Here is my $2.50 treat of fabric joy!

Did not take a photo before I opened the package but here is the empty package with the price (you can see it was wrapped in an old curtain or linens bag)
The Score! Fabulous Thrifting Fabric Find! (At the top of the photo you will see there were also some scraps to add to my scrap collection, ha!)


28 thoughts on “Fabulous Thrifting Fabric Find!”

  1. I get it. I’m sorry you felt hurt, and I totally get it. Moving on is good.

    I’ve been feeling quite low this week with the news. It doesn’t make me feel better about much of anything, and it’s hard for me to feel compassionate toward people who hate so deliberately. But last night while I wasn’t sleeping, I decided I will try again for compassion. We’ll see how it goes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When I clicked on the “like” button, I mean I like that you commented and appreciate your comment; but I am so sorry that you are feeling down. I know compassion is so difficult at times and I try to do one of those compassion meditations I picked up from one of my endless “self-help” audiobook listens. I am sending you thoughts of peace even in these times (and turn off the news for awhile, maybe?)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmm, I’ve got some old hurts from friends I should heal — I guess I need to read that book?? You scored big on this bundle! I can’t take my eyes off that black and white canine print.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, yes it was a score!!! Sorry you also have old hurts in your life. The book did not tell me anything I had not heard before but somehow it nailed it for me and I was able to internalize and embrace it (maybe it was Peter Coyote’s soothing voice on the audiobook narration).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry about your bad experience with (people who thought were) “friends.” This is generally a result of jealousy, but knowing this doesn’t remove the sting. There is great advice around and I recognize the wisdom of your statement that you were “ready to hear the message.”
    Congrats on your support of the humane shelter (you remember I’m a kitty foster mom) and the unique fabric finds. Those wolf noses look just perfect for eyes!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow!!! What an awesome find – love those kind of surprises. As for the other surprise you found yourself receiving from “friends” – sounds like you did a great job of “cleaning house.” You’re the better for it ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Cindy, it was very freeing. I worried for a moment I might miss having the framed poster available in the future to use for decoration if I wanted but after the feelings I had attached to it, it was time for it to go! 🙂

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  5. I guess there’ll always be “friends” who are anything but and that is very good advise on not taking things personally. Some people just don’t know any better and even if they do they just can’t be bothered to act right…It’s good that you are moving on. That is a lovely compensation package you scored right there. You should listen to that little voice more often then 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m so sorry to hear about the betrayal; never fun. It sounds like you are handling things well, considering. Wish I could give you a great big hug! I know there either already are or will be other more trustworthy friends in your life. Great find on the fabric! LOVE the black and white wolf print.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! A hug back to you! You share so much deep stuff on your blog it inspires me to self-reveal a bit more on my blog and I appreciate connecting with everyone and that we all share similar experiences on our life journey 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comments! I agree I do think too much, ha! But I am happy that I have learned to reach inside and pull out what is bothering me and look at it open and honestly so I can move on from it. 🙂


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