
Pillow for a Kitty

The title of this post might confuse you and lead you to wonder: “Is Tierney now focusing on making pillows for cats and how does Mike the Miniature Schnauzer feel about this?!?!?”

What is post is actually about it how as a crafter we make a lot of crafts and give a lot as gifts; and sometimes we forget what happens to those gifts over the years. It is a sweet and special blessing to hear how a gift is still being used years later.

Such in the case of an unexpected “kitty pillow“.

I have a post from February 2015, 2015 Goals, in which I shared that I had made Little Love Note Pillows for my then open Etsy Shop (aptly named tierneycreates). Around the same time as selling these pillows on my tierneycreates shop, I gave some as gifts to family and friends. Here are some images of these pillow sets I sold and gifted:


I sort of forgot about these pillows made 5 years ago, especially with all that has transpired in my life the past 5 years (and especially the past nearly 2 years…).

Well a couple days ago, I received a text and images from my brother-in-law Sean (my late husband Terry’s brother), sharing some photos of how his cat is enjoying the little pillows I sent him so many years ago. His kitty thought they were the perfect “cat sized pillows”!

He meant to tell me long time ago but kept forgetting.


What a huge smile his text and photos put on my face! It was a nice pick me up as I’ve been feeling quite blue of late (see the Postscript section below).


Today is December 1st and I think I’ve come to accept that December is a very rough month for me.

December used to be my favorite month with my late husband Terry’s birthday (Dec 2), Christmas (Dec 25) and my wedding anniversary (Dec 29).

Now December also holds the anniversary of Terry’s (known to this blog as “Terry the Quilting Husband”) sudden passing (12/13) who had been my partner since I was 20 years old.

December also holds the anniversaries of the passing of my beloved mother-in-law “Mimi” that I had in my life longer than my biological mother; and Sassy the Highly Opinionated Miniature Schnauzer the greatest canine love of my life. The passed within a week of each other in December 2017.

I was numb during Christmas 2018; I made it through Christmas 2019 but I am thinking that this year I probably won’t do a Christmas tree as it is makes me even sadder. Unfortunately, on 12/13/18, a couple days after decorating our tree together, I discovered the love of my life deceased next to the Christmas tree.

I will get through December; and appreciate all the love and support from friends and family and I am so thankful for my partner John and our dog Mike.

Also I am always trying to remember this wonderful quote I stumbled upon early in my grief journey:

Some days it seems like every moment of the day is a battle to keep the nests out of my hair at least during the month of December…

(okay Tierney you just won the “Most Depressing Blog Post” award…I promise future posts will not be as glum)

36 thoughts on “Pillow for a Kitty”

  1. hugs, tierney, especially during this difficult month in a really difficult year. i think of you and terry a lot, and remember the time you had me over for tea and a sweet and a little wallet 💗. sue

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is a wonderful proverb to keep in mind. Afraid I have let many of those birds build nests in my hair! But now I’m trying to acknowledge them and then send them on their way to different nesting locations. Peace to you and John and Mike and all those in your circles this season. My holiday season will include welcoming the Winter Solstice and the Return of the Light. Maybe New Year’s Day, as I am now optimistic about 2021.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Okay so we walk around for a while with nests in our hair, I guess that is okay too! I so appreciate your thoughtful comments and sending you thoughts of peace also. I look forward to 2021.


  3. Sending hugs and prayers. Thank you for keeping life real and sharing both the smiles from a sweet kitty and brother in law and tears that come with grieving for those that were dearly loved and held closest to the heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, Tierney. Don’t apologize for a glum post. It isn’t glum, actually. I would venture to guess that the majority of us don’t have Hallmark Holidays. So celebrate the holidays in a way that speaks to your soul and honor the memories of your loved ones. You will be just fine. In fact, you’ll be better than fine. You’ll be better than most. I promise. xoxo Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I LOVE Sean’s kitty snuggling on your little cat-sized pillow. Most Decembers are hard because we think we should be like the pictures and movies. Forego the expected traditions (i.e., tree), grieve the losses, and celebrate what is truly meaningful. You will find your own joy if you allow yourself to. I am thankful for our friendship, thankful that you have John and Mike and family (and friends!) who love you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I can definitely see why this month would be really rough for you. Good for you not pushing yourself to do things that will stress you and make you unhappy. Take it easy on yourself and enjoy the happy things like finding out the joy that your pillow has been giving a cute kitty for all this time 🙂 Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Tierney, thanks for sharing the kitty pillow post. What a fun gift that turned out to be. As for December, I hate that you had so many bad things lumped together all at once. Not fair, but then when is it ever. Here’s to things getting a little better each year. Hang in there and know people are rooting for you. Love your blog!


  8. well, it might seem glum to you – but it’s a way for some of us to understand your past – be it sad or the joyful kitty pillow – and I’m sure writing it was difficult but as you look at comments, you realise that it’s kind like a “gratitude” offering and now you can look forward to sharing this year with John and making more memories to add to your life’s journey…


  9. The little pillows are really cute, I actually just bought one filled with lavender from the local craft shop, they make lovely little gifts. Sending you good thoughts and light during this difficult season.


  10. I love that your BIL’s cat has adopted your little pillows! Our furry friends do appreciate comfort as well!

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling blue, but it’s perfectly understandable! You’ve been through a lot. I had no idea you had found Terry beside the Christmas tree! For some reason I thought that he had been in a car accident. Regardless, grieving takes time and people grieve in different ways. You do what YOU need to do. Wish I could give you a big hug!


  11. I feel sad for you that December seems a tough month. There is nothing wrong with feeling a little blue, but hopefully you can also find good memories too.

    Love the cat pillows, a gift for the kitties by default. Funny how he never told you til now!

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  12. I’m glad that you have love around you as this seems like a hard time for you. My best wishes to you and thanks for sharing the kitty pics x

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Your cushions are marvelous, I have never seen them. It’s not surprising that they are still bringing comfort to kitties and others everywhere! Sending hugs for the month of December; I hope the days and weeks ahead are full of beautiful memories, love, light, delicious things from the kitchen, schnauzer hugs, and as much delight as can be. ❤️

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