Guest Blogger, Miniature Schnauzer Adventures

Guest Blogger: Happy in My Box

Hi this is Mike, the Miniature Schnauzer that lives with Tierney of tierneycreates and her partner John.

I saw that the tierneycreates Beastie did a guest blog post, so I wanted to do one too.

Since you last heard from me (see February 2021 post Guest Blogger: Obsession with Making Crocheted Dishcloths), I’ve been busy overseeing remodeling projects by my human John, just like in the post from 2020 Guest Blog Post: A Whole Lot of Remodeling Going On.

I spend a lot of time in home improvement stores (Lowe’s and Home Depot) and I love riding in John’s truck as his co-pilot:

He always has my box ready to go behind the seats, which I ride in whenever I am in a home improvement store helping him select the next round of home remodeling supplies:

(Note, I’ve gotten a summer haircut recently and look less shaggy)

I’ve met a lot of staff and customers while riding around in my box in home improvement stores, and the other day John wheeled me in via the shopping cart into Home Depot and heard “Hi Mike!”

It was one of the cashiers greeting me as I went by! They remember my name.

Same thing happened that day when he had to go to a different home improvement store.

I am sort of a local celebrity!

John and I have been working on sprucing up the backyard. I oversaw his installation of pavers under a bench that Tierney found on clearance to place under the large Aspen trees in the backyard; his installation of pavers under their new backyard swing; and his building of a privacy screen for the backyard patio area.

I was pretty exhausted after all that work!

35 thoughts on “Guest Blogger: Happy in My Box”

  1. My goodness, Mike! You and John have gotten the back yard looking just wonderful! No wonder the home improvement store people remember you – you have to be the handsomest guy they see 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You are a lucky dog to be allowed to rest on those soft cushions after the hard work of supervising your human! You are also a most handsome dog and so I am not surprised that you have attained celebrity status (even if it is limited to the home improvements stores!).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow you and John have done an amazing job! How in the world does John get any shopping done when he is pushing around so much cuteness? Everyone in the store must be stopping you.


  4. You do realise Mike, the store probably has a news sheet and before you know “you’ll be featured” maybe even going as far as a wider audience, the local newspaper

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mike, the miniature schnauzer, I think it is kind of you to allow Tierney to guest blog on your site when you are busy. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow…I think it’s my first time reading a four legged pal talk….very nice! I love that Mike has a dedicated box for this sort of shopping. I hope he charges a good rate for his assistance (joking). A dog’s gotta eat at the end of the day 🙂


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