Knit and Crochet Away!

What’s On the “Design Carpet” – Road Trip Granny Squares

I hate being behind on reading my blogging buddies posts, so I wasn’t going to post again until I caught up. I haven’t caught up yet but I am only like 3 – 4 days behind now so I am allowing myself to do this quick post!

As I mentioned in the February 6, 2023 post  What’On the “Design Carpet”, I am a nervous front seat passenger in a car. My best bet is to do something to distract me while I am a front seat passenger (especially when my partner John is driving, ha!). So I’ve been taking a granny square crochet project on the road whenever I am a passenger and I’ve made a bit of progress.

Instead of the “Design Wall” in my studio, I thought I’d show you my progress on the “Design Carpet” in my living room – ha!

Here is what the granny squares looked like in the beginning of the project:

I decided to add to more rows in a different color gray to float the centers:

And now 5 month later, I have 50 granny squares completed:

You might notice one very dark gray bordered granny square in the image above:

Well I have 30 more granny squares to complete and I plan to make a lot of them with that darker gray yarn (Currently I plan to make an 8 by 10 granny square blanket, so I need 80 blocks to complete it).

If you haven’t guessed it, I’ve been using up my collection of random gray acrylic and acrylic/wool blend yarn, including two different variegated grays/blacks yarns from my stash. So it will be another “scrappy” granny square blanket like these two I made previously:

I seem to have a thing about gray yarn as I notice there is a lot of gray in that blanket above!

I’d love to someday make a super “scrappy” granny square afghan like the one I came across in the blog post Scrappy July by View From Our Hill. She has like 16 different yarns in each granny square block – check out the link!

40 thoughts on “What’s On the “Design Carpet” – Road Trip Granny Squares”

  1. Your blankets tug at my heart. They bring back memories of my Grandma. She could never make anything else but she loved the granny squares! Thank you Tierney for sharing your blankets, especially the gray one! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. crochet squares are the perfect projects to work on in fits and starts. It’s always amazing how they grow! I actually like to keep my eyes on the road when I’m a passenger, no matter who’s driving.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think Mike may be purchasing your yarn for you surreptitiously!
    Thank you for the link in too. 😊 Don’t you think scrappy things are loved more? Perhaps because they ‘don’t matter’ when they’re scraps of leftovers and not ‘best’. I like that they’re used as they should be then.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now I know what I can be in charge of while you and Jamie are doing quiltsy things during our August reunion. I’ll organize these Granny squares with the help of my capable assistant Mike! As you know we’re very good at it. Please refer to the picture with Mike posing on our final result. So get those few remaining blocks finished…50??…by August 21 and we’ll be in business! Can’t wait!!😄🥰


  5. I don’t know why it makes me want a cup of decaf coffee and an oatmeal chocochip cookie but it does- this is such a yummy blanket. I wish I could commit to such a large project. This looks so cozy. I rarely see blankets made with wool yarns and this is so lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mike is an excellent model, and that purple and grey blanket is stunning. I’m not a good passenger either, but I get motion sickness so I’m not sure I could pull of knitting or crochet. I should give it a try.

    Liked by 1 person

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