A Crafter's Life, Special Events

Gingerbread Village, 12/2/16

I am feeling festive and filled with holiday spirit.

I just returned from a three-day weekend in Seattle with my brother,  his wife and their four year old son (my super adorable nephew). They live on the East Coast (I am originally from NY) and my brother was in town for a business meeting on Friday and brought his family so we could all connect.

I lived in Seattle for 8 years before moving to Central Oregon, and it was to fun to return to Seattle as a tourist.

We stayed in the downtown Seattle area which was filled with endless holiday decorations.  After posting on 12/1/16 about my neighbor’s awesome new holiday centerpiece in Seriously Cute Holiday Decorations, I have decided to spend this week sharing holiday season decoration related posts.

Gingerbread Village – Sheraton Hotel – Seattle


Friday evening my brother, his family and I wandered around downtown Seattle which had begin its holiday season and was filled with lights, holiday decorations and people in festive dressed filled with holiday cheer.

There was a “battle of the carolers” in progress on one of the streets we passed – the street was blocked off and various Caroling Singing groups were competing. It seemed that several holiday parties were going on as there were numerous people dressed in evening gowns and black tie wandering downtown.

We wandered upon a sign for the Gingerbread Village at the downtown Sheraton Hotel. We walked into a beautifully appointed hotel filled with people in formal attire and then some tourists like us standing on line to see the annual Gingerbread Village display.

This year’s Village was inspired by JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series and featured elaborate (I mean ELABORATE) gingerbread houses/scenes (all made from candy and confections) based on various Harry Potter books.


There was also a Harry Potter inspired Christmas Tree!



If you would like more information about this exhibit – here is the link: sheratonseattle.com/gingerbread-village

In addition to the Gingerbread Village, the Sheraton’s lobby had some incredible glass art including a mind blowing Dale Chihuly glass sculpture:


Next post I will continue with more images from my Seattle holiday decoration infused weekend.