Agriculture Report, Knit and Crochet Away!, Sunflowers!

Update on Sunflower Granny Squares and an Agriculture Report

Here is an update to the post Another Hat, Sunflower GS, “Agriculture Report”, and some Pickles.

I’ve made some progress on the sunflower inspired granny square blocks (which someday will be a blanket) that I’ve been working on, primarily while riding in the car as a passenger.

Here is what my first one looked like that I shared in the post I linked:

I decided to add some green to represent newly opening sunflowers and with the rust, yellow and green yarn in play here is how the blocks are progressing:

A couple close up of the various blocks in progress:

I am making the centers to the first 20 – 21 blocks and then I will be adding the oatmeal colored border yarn to complete the granny square blocks. I’ll share an update when I get the first 20 – 21 done.

I also thought I would share an “Agriculture Report” (inspired by  @quiteayarnblog‘s ongoing series of posts titled “Agriculture Report”) and the tomatoes on my upper deck keep getting taller and taller and will end up taller plants than previous years by the time they fruit:

We were also able to harvest ONE strawberry so far (we shared it and savored each bite) from the first strawberry plant I am growing in Colorado:

Also the FREE seeds I planted courtesy of the local library (see post Explored a new library, tried a new group) are doing really well in the new raised bed John built from leftovers from our rebuild of the back deck (see posts John gets “ScrapHappy” too – new raised bed and Guest Blogger Post: Managing Humans Demolishing and Rebuilding a Deck):

We put netting on the raised bed to try to prevent the naughty squirrels and other critters feasting on our growing vegetables.

Okay now I need to start catching up on my blogging buddies’ posts, I’ve fallen behind again as it’s been a busy summer so far 🙂

A Crafter Needs to Eat, Knit and Crochet Away!, Sunflowers!

Another Hat, Sunflower GS, “Agriculture Report”, and some Pickles


So I finished knitting another hat (same pattern as I always make), even though I can’t wear it until it gets cold again.

Yummy purple and blue variegated yarn from who knows where…

I need to be distracted when I am a passenger in the front seat a car (or I get anxious) so I always have some handwork with me:

Riding in the car is better with a project!

If you’ve followed my blog for a while and seen the endless hats I’ve made in this same “Rolled Hat” pattern, then you know I had to take my photo with the double pointed needles in the hat as it nears completion (it’s tradition!) – ha!

Where is Tierney?


I’ve been working through random balls of yarn I find in my stash, some of them left over from making other people gift hats.

With the hat complete and the weather getting warmer (into the 70s F and next week into the 80s F) I wasn’t in the mood to start knitting another hat. I have some crochet granny squares to work on using recycled yarn (see post Plastic Yarn?) but wasn’t in the mood for that standard pattern after already making 3 granny square blankets with it.

So I decided to challenge myself and learn a new granny square pattern – Sunburst Square. Here is the YouTub video I used to teach myself:

The YouTuber does a great job teaching you how to make this granny square

Here is my first Sunburst Square in progress:

In the center photo I am in the car as a passenger working on it!

I love Sunflowers and I just had to make my flowers look like Sunflowers! I will share more progress as I work on them while in the car. We have a couple road trips to explore Colorado coming up this summer so I hope to make lots of blocks then!


What is an “Agriculture Report”? Well I was inspired by  @quiteayarnblog‘s ongoing series of posts titled “Agriculture Report” (and this title always cracks me up) that are actually updates of what is going on in her garden. I just had to adopt this same title for updates on what is going on in my garden/my “garden report“…

With the new upstairs patio deck nearly complete (see post Guest Blogger Post: Managing Humans Demolishing and Rebuilding a Deck) it was time to restart my upstairs patio container garden.

It’s pretty much the same as last year – several varieties of tomatoes, hot peppers, herbs and some marigolds to help with pest management.

Oh look I caught the Sunflower block trying to sneak into the container garden…

Those squares are so sneaky…


I’ll just close this post with a pretty giant jar of spicy pickles that John recently made which is sitting on our kitchen counter.

Guest Blogger, Knit and Crochet Away!, Miniature Schnauzer Adventures

Guest Blogger Post: The Granny Square Blanket SHOULD Be Done…

This is Mike, the Miniature Schnauzer that lives with Tierney and John. If you are new to this blog I guest blog post time to time. I want to update you on the gray granny square blanket (MY BLANKET) that Tierney has been working on as I am a little annoyed.

(Here I am working on the blog post)

(And here I am slightly irritated that Tierney is disturbing me while I write)

Tierney should have finished by now the gray granny square blanket by now – she has joined all the 80 granny squares together by whatever strange human magic she uses to join them.

But now she’s decided she wants to make the blanket large enough to be a summer bedspread in the upstairs guest room so she is doing something called “adding a large border” while requires her to use that weird needle (she calls it a “crochet needle”) and go around and around on my blanket so it will get bigger.

Here is the blanket after she put all those squares together and started doing some weird bordering of the blanket.

The good thing is while she’s been doing her bordering, I’ve been able to get some naps under the blanket even if she occasionally disturbs me when she spins the blanket while bordering.

Yes, I am a “Napping Professional”.

I want her to stop this silliness and just set the blanket down somewhere that I can just private enjoy it.

Just wanted to update you all on my struggle,


Knit and Crochet Away!, What's on the Design Wall

What’s on the “Design Carpet”

I am continuing on my challenge to post to my blog every day in celebration of October 2023 being my 10th anniversary of blogging month. And if you all can’t keep up no worries, this is WAY too much posting – ha! I think once October is over I will go to a once a week posting schedule (or perhaps a little more frequent than that…we’ll see…).

For today’s post, here is an update on this post from July 2023 – What’s On the “Design Carpet” – Road Trip Granny Squares.

I continue to crochet granny squares for a distraction while traveling as a passenger in a car or while traveling in general. I am currently working on an 80 square blanket (8 by 10) and I’ve progressed from this in July 2023:

To this (only 7 more granny squares to complete to make 80):

I don’t have them in their final order before they are joined together, I just semi randomly put them together for this update photo.

I store them in this bucket bag I made a couple years ago, as I complete them:

I have mixed feelings of getting near the end as it will be 1) time to work on joining them (a sort of pain in the booty) and 2) I’ll have to start work on a new one (and I am sort of attached to this one, ha) when I am a passenger in a car/traveling.

Luckily I have a couple blocks of this one already started (see post Plastic Yarn?) so this will be my next “road trip blanket” to work on!