Tula Time!

The Tale of Three Tulas, Part III

Now you will truly be able to sleep through the night and have an actual restful slumber, as this post will complete my series of posts following up on the three Tula Pink All Stars fabric line inspired quilts my two quilting sisters (Judy and Dana) and I began in 2018.

If you are just starting with this post, the two recent previous posts are:

The Tale of Three Tulas, Part I (Dana’s quilt)

The Tale of Three Tulas, Part II (Judy’s quilt)

In this third post, I will share my Tula Pink All Stars fabric inspired quilt, Tula in the Box, and why it took me so long to finish it.

Tierney’s Quilt: Tula in the Box

The last time I blogged about the creation of this quilt was back in December 6, 2018, in this post: Tula in a Box.

This was 7 days before my husband Terry, who was known as “Terry the Quilting Husband” or “TTQH” on this blog, suddenly and unexpectedly died.

Here is TTQH from that post helping me lay out the quilt on the large design wall in the hallway of my former home in Central Oregon:

2018-12-04_13-18-37_054And here he is helping me layout the stripped fabric used as the sashing between the 36 blocks I created:


The night that Terry died, this quilt in progress was still up on the design wall.

A couple days after he passed I took the quilt blocks and sashing down and put it away as with this shocking, actually devastating, change to my previoulsy wonderful life, I had no desire to finish this quilt (or any quilt ever again at that point).

In the depth of my grief during January 2019, I convinced myself to finish the quilt top in his honor (Tula in a Box Quilt Top Finished):


I also got myself to send it off to the long-arm quilter, Krista Moser (who quilted all three of our Tula Pink All Stars fabric quilts).

In late Winter 2019 I made a brief visit to the Seattle, Washington area to visit with my quilting sisters Judy and Dana and to attend the 2019 Sewing & Stitchery Expo (Sew Expo). While at the Expo we ran into Krista Moser who had a booth promoting her new line of quilting rulers and patterns:


Unfortunately she was backlogged with long-arm quilting orders and so it would be another month or so before mine was finished but she would mail it to my new home in Colorado (if you are new to this blog you can check out the story of my move from Oregon to Colorado in this series of posts – Colorado Bound)

Krista is such a brilliant young entrepreneur who began long-arm quilting around 14. You can check out her blog at The Quilted Life.

By the way, I did blog a little bit about the 2019 Sew Expo on this post – .Fabric Fangirl Frenzy

Now where were we in my story, I got distracted remembering the fun I had during Sew Expo 2019.

Oh yes, so I finished the Tula in the Box quilt in honor of TTQH and shipped the quilt top and backing (which I purchased in Washington State while visiting Judy and Dana during Sew Expo 2019) to the long-arm quilter.

In May 2019 I got the quilt back from the long-arm quilter but it took me until the end of June 2019 to put the binding on it and finish it.

Here is the quilt on the wall of my Colorado studio with the euro lounger I used to have in the studio:


And here is Mike the Miniature Schnauzer lounging in the studio:


The euro lounger is now out of my studio (it took up too much space) and was moved to the upstairs guest room/home office, but the finished quilt is still up on the wall:


I’ve made a couple changes/updates to my quilt studio since my post New Studio, and I will share updated photos in a future post.

So that is my story of the quilt. Thanks for reading these three posts to close out the story!


Speaking of Mike the Miniature Schnauzer on a euro lounger – here is a recent photo of Mike napping with a pile of purple fabrics in my home office/upstairs guest room:


Why is he napping on a pile of fabrics? Well those fabrics are about to be put into my new fabric organization system! That will be a future blog post once I get my project complete. I am excited to share as I feel like I now have the best system of fabric yardage organization since I began quilting in 1999!

22 thoughts on “The Tale of Three Tulas, Part III”

  1. What a nice read. 😊. I am so very happy you made the decision to finish the quilt in TTQH honor. Such beautiful memories and such a beautiful quilt🌹🌹🌹. I love conversational quilts with meanings and love seeing them displayed on walls because they are Art. A labor of Love indeed..Thanks so much for sharing your story. Very nice! 👍🏾

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The fact that you were able to pull out the Tula Pink Out of the Box top and finish it and then hang it in your studio is a major indicator of your strength and health. It is a wonderful tribute to TTQH and I know it is filled with memories and reminders of this period of your life. Although this “period of your life” seemed like “your life,” you now know that there is more. Carry on, my dear friend! Mike looks good on purple.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well I am so glad that you finished your Tula quilt, especially with the connection it had in Terry’s honor. It sure is beautiful!! All 3 of the quilts are equally beautiful. My 3 quilting sisters are so talented!!! I am happy you are hanging that for all eyes to enjoy! It has a story to tell and I think Terry would be honored that he is remembered by the help he provided and his artful set of eyes he joyfully shared with you. I also am admiring the beautiful long arm quilting that was done by the talented Krista Mosher. She makes our quilts look so much more beautiful than a quilter could ever imagine. Thank you for sharing this lovely story of the Tula all stars!! I hope to see you soon as I am missing you!!! Hugs.
    Quilting sister from Cali,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really like the quilt. Mike looks like he’s about to slide right off that lounger in the second photo of him! The first year is so hard … and every year after it, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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