Studio, Thrift Shop Adventures, tierneycreates

More Creating – More Art Pillows

This post is a quick follow up to the post Creating… on 07/27/16 where I discussed pulling out from my project pile and completing a set of “art pillow experimentations”.

I spent part of this weekend finishing up the rest of the little art pillows (they range from around 6 x 6 inches to 8 x8 inches for the large one).

Here is the full set of the finished pillows (notice my new tierneycreates labels on each pillow):


Here are the backs of the smaller pillows (made with hand dyed fabric found at a thrift store (it was quite the score!)


I was going list these three pillows on my tierneycreates Etsy shop as a set but I decided to just list them separately (they do look cute together though): 


Here are close ups of some of the pillows:






I am posting this on Sunday night but you will likely read this on Monday, so I wish you all a wonderful week, and talk to you later!


My blogging buddy, Laura of Create Art Every Day, posted a lovely painting of a quilt block, inspired by my blog on her post GEOMETRIC ABSTRACT CALL TO AUTUMN IN WATERCOLOR AND ACRYLIC (WORLD WATERCOLOR MONTH, 29/31)

I am inspired by her paintings! I might do a little quilt piece inspired by her work.

In Central Oregon we actually have a famous quilter and a well-known painter collaborating on art projects – Jean Wells Keenan (quilter) and Judy Hoiness (painter).

Here is a link to examples of their wonderful collaborations: Twist from Tradition Series.

31 thoughts on “More Creating – More Art Pillows”

    1. I know it was the ultimate thrift shop score, like one of those moments where you want to jump up and down in the the thrift shop but then you do not want to draw too much attention to yourself as you quietly rush up to the counter and pay $3 for your giant bag of hand dyed fabrics….

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh I would love it if you did!! Your pillows are tremendous, Tierney and love your little tags! I hope you start a beautiful trend with them, they are so cool and would suit most any decor! Just love! I need to come back here for more inspiration for my abstract work. Thanks so much for the shout!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love trolling second-hand shops for fabric — these jewel tones were a delicious score! I am envious of your quilting skills — it really sets off the design and the fabric.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You have to keep at least one or two for yourself. You can’t sell them all or you won’t be able to look at them anymore.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Yep, it’s Monday…these are really good-looking pillows! And must have been fun to make, too. What a great feeling of satisfaction to see finished work out of scraps.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! Yes I am going to sell them on my Etsy shop and I have already listed many of them. They are too little for the couch – are more little decorative pillows like for a bookshelf or decorating accent. 🙂


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