Quilt Retreats

Late Night Quilting and Other Delights

It is time to finish my series of posts about the annual May quilting retreat I attended with my Quilting Sisters in Vancouver, WA May 17 – 20 at Sew N Go Retreat Center. To read my previous posts about quilting retreats I’ve attended, see my post category – Retreats.

If you’d like to read my previous posts on my May 2018 retreat (it is hard to believe that was over a month ago now) here they are:

Late Night Quilting

Have you ever attended a quilting retreat? If you are not a quilter but another type of crafter, have you ever attended a crafting retreat?

Sure, I could take a couple days off work and stay at home and sew all day for free. But it would not be as fun as hanging out with a group of other quilters, having all meals prepared for you, having no responsibilities (except any pressure you give yourself to complete projects you bring), and the opportunity for Late Night Quilting!

Here is our Quilting Retreat Center during the day:


And here it is at night when there is Late Night Quilting going on inside:


I am not sure why I took the above photo at an odd angle, except it was late at night and perhaps I had been quilting too long and needed to go to bed.

Inside the Quilting Sweat Shop (aka The Quilt Retreat Room)

Whether during the day or late night at night, the sewing machines were humming and churning out projects:


And on the design walls were quilts in progress such as this one by the Quilting Sister Judy:


Sewing was not limited to making quilts, there were other projects such an adorable tote bag by my Quilting Sister Lisa:


A Cozy Place to Sleep

After a long day of quilting, and perhaps a late night marathon of quilting, you need a cozy place to sleep. Here is the bedroom I stayed in which had quilts on every wall and several on the bed I slept in:


Although the room had several beds in it, as we were a small group of 5, I had the room to myself.

Here is a detail of a lovely medallion quilt that was on the opposite wall from my bed:


Getting Exercise

I knew it was a poor choice health wise to just sit around all day and sew, so I found time each day to walk around the rural farmland area of the quilt retreat center, sometimes with another Quilting Sister and sometimes alone. We had beautiful weather!


And like last year’s May retreat, we visited with friendly horses we met on our walks:


Good Thing I Went On Daily Walks…

As usual we had delicious meals at the Sew N Go Retreat. Each meal was a delightful surprise. Here are a couple images – a yummy main course of the most addicting chicken wings I’ve ever had; and a delicious piece of apple cake:


And yes that is vanilla ice and caramel on top as there would not have been enough calories with just the cake!

And of Course There is Abbie

One of my favorite treats at the Sew N Go Retreat is spending time with Abbie the Quilt Retreat Kitty:


Abbie is getting older and is not as active as she was when I first started attending the retreat many years ago. I was actually trying to read a magazine and Abbie ended up laying on top of the magazine so I could pay attention to her instead.

Here is a “vintage” photo of Abbie and I cuddling during the May 2016 Quilting Retreat:


A Wonderful Reminder

The room I stayed in during the retreat had a wonderful needlepoint sampler that I woke up to each morning and served as a beautiful reminder of how I want to face each day.


I am trying to keep these words in my heart now that I am back home.

25 thoughts on “Late Night Quilting and Other Delights”

  1. Wonderful retreat snapshots, Tierney! 🙂 It must have been so nice to be able to sew and quilt into the late hours with pals! Like a quilting sleepover! And having meals taken care of is *such a wonderful luxury*! Gorgeous environs and a beautiful retreat!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and yes when I have to share a room it is truly like a sleepover, but I was spoiled this time and had my own room (with 4 beds in it!) Years ago I was hesitant to go on my first quilting retreat but now I love them!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, this place looks like heaven! I love the cosy rooms, the countryside and the way the retreat centre is lit up in the evening! I’m sure the delicious prepared-for-you meals aren’t bad either 😉 You’re probably looking forward to next year already!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I highly recommend it, even if you go to one where you do not know people – you will make new friends. I only knew one person to start years ago and met the rest at quilt retreats and then we formed our own group. Thanks for reading 🙂

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